Bill Gates Biography: The Riveting Bill Gates Biography You Never Knew

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. From an early age, he demonstrated an interest in computers and technology:

  • Gates’ parents recognized his intelligence and enrolled him in Seattle’s exclusive preparatory Lakeside School when he was 13 years old.
  • Here Gates explored his interest in software on the school’s computer system.
  • He wrote his first software program on the school’s computer – a tic-tac-toe game.

At age 15, Gates went into business with his classmate Paul Allen – forming a company called Traf-O-Data which tracked and analyzed traffic data. Though short-lived, this early entrepreneurial venture gave Gates valuable business and programming experience.


Gates graduated from Lakeside School in 1973 and enrolled at Harvard College where he studied law. However, he spent most of his time on the software and programming. While at Harvard, he met Steve Ballmer who would later become CEO of Microsoft.

YearEducational Details
1973Enrolled at Harvard College
1975Takes leave of absence from Harvard to focus full-time on Microsoft
2007Receives honorary degree from Harvard University

Gates took a leave of absence from Harvard his junior year when he and Allen saw the potential of personal computing. He never returned to finish his studies at Harvard College.

Founding Microsoft

In 1975, Gates read about the Altair 8800 – an early personal computer. He contacted the creators of the Altair and told them he and Allen were working on a BASIC software program for it. The Altair’s creators agreed to license Gates and Allen’s BASIC when it was ready.

Gates and Allen then founded a company called Micro-soft – a blend of “microcomputer software”. They developed software for early personal computers like the Altair 8800 and Apple II.

Gates once famously said: “Software is a great combination between artistry and engineering.”

By 1979, Microsoft was bringing in over $2.5 million in revenue annually but Gates still determined the real opportunity for software was in licensing it to computer makers.

In 1980, Gates convinced IBM – then the leading computer manufacturer – to license Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating system for IBM’s new line of personal computers. This pivotal agreement set the stage for Microsoft’s domination of PC software for decades to come.


Microsoft went public in 1986 with a market cap of $520 million at the time. Some key dates and events:

  • 1977 – Microsoft launches second language product (Microsoft FORTRAN)
  • 1981 – MS-DOS 1.0 released
  • 1983 – Paul Allen resigns from Microsoft
  • 1985 – Microsoft Windows 1.0 released
  • 1990 – Microsoft launches office suite with Word, Excel and Powerpoint
  • 1995 – Microsoft launches Windows 95 operating system
  • 1999 – Market value hits $620 billion making Microsoft most valuable company ever

By 1987, 31 year old Gates was officially declared a billionaire – one of the youngest billionaires ever at the time.

Microsoft’s Early Successes

In Microsoft’s early days, Gates oversaw development of programming languages and operating systems that would go on to become essential software for early personal computers.


MS-DOS was the key software Microsoft licensed to IBM for its personal computers. Though MS-DOS had a text-based user interface, it became the dominant operating system for most personal computers by the early 1980s.

Microsoft Windows

As graphical user interfaces increased in popularity in the 1980s, Microsoft launched Windows software to run on top of MS-DOS. Windows 1.0 debuted in 1985 and evolved over the years to add more sophisticated graphics, support for multimedia content, internet connectivity, and user-friendly features.

By 1995, Windows had a 90% market share making it the world’s most widely used computer software.

Partnership With Steve Ballmer

Gates’ Harvard classmate Steve Ballmer joined Microsoft in 1980 as one of the company’s first business managers. Ballmer helped Gates grow Microsoft from a small software start-up into a major corporation.

Gates and Ballmer proved a formidable leadership duo with Gates focused on product development while Ballmer handled business operations. Their effective partnership was a key driver of Microsoft’s massive growth through the 80s and 90s.

Dominance in the 1990s

The 1990s saw Microsoft software become near ubiquitous around the world with MS-DOS and Windows powering over 80% of the world’s personal computers. Some key reasons for their software dominance:

  • Rapid improvements: Windows 95 and subsequent releases added many new capabilities in terms of multimedia, networking, plug-and-play peripherals that made PCs highly useful for both work and leisure.
  • Partnerships with PC makers: Microsoft formed lucrative partnerships with numerous PC manufacturers who pre-loaded Windows OS onto their computers.
  • Enterprise products: Microsoft launched productivity tools like Word, Excel and PowerPoint for businesses and established dominant position in enterprise software market.

Microsoft also benefited from the explosion in internet usage in mid to late 1990s with its Internet Explorer web browser and MSN internet services seeing widespread adoption.

Gates’ vision of having “a computer on every desk running Microsoft software” was becoming a reality.

Philanthropy and Post-Microsoft

Even during Microsoft’s years of rapid growth, Gates showed an interest in philanthropy. In 2000, Gates founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to fund global health and anti-poverty initiatives.

As Microsoft matured, Gates gradually transitioned out of day-to-day operations to focus full-time on his foundation’s philanthropic projects.

  • 2008 – Gates transitions to part-time role at Microsoft and full-time work at Foundation
  • 2014 – Gates steps down as Chairman of Microsoft Board as Satya Nadella takes over as CEO
  • 2020 – Gates resigns from Microsoft Board of Directors to dedicate himself to philanthropy

Today the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the world’s largest private charitable organizations having distributed over $60 billion to causes improving healthcare, reducing poverty and expanding education globally. Gates and his wife Melinda have also pledged to donate most of their personal fortune to the foundation.

Achievements and Honors

Bill Gates has received numerous awards and honors both for his technological innovations and philanthropic work:


  • Time Magazines “Person of the Year” – 2005 and 2007
  • The Presidential Medal of Freedom – 2016
  • Congressional Gold Medal – 2020

Honorary Degrees

Gates has been awarded over 20 honorary degrees from institutions globally including:

  • Harvard University
  • Yale University
  • Cambridge University
  • The Karolinska Institute (Sweden)
  • Waseda University (Japan)

He has also authored two books sharing his insights on technology, business and solutions for some of the world’s toughest problems:

  • The Road Ahead (1995)
  • How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (2021)

While no longer involved in Microsoft’s day-to-day operations, Gates continues to shape future technologies as an advisor to CEO Satya Nadella.

And through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, he continues striving to make the world healthier, more equitable and more sustainable.

Billionaire, Philanthropist, Author: Key Takeaways on Bill Gates

Bill Gates is undoubtedly one of the most iconic business leaders and philanthropists of our times. Let’s recap some key insights on his remarkable life journey:

  • Technological Pioneer: Gates co-founded Microsoft and helped usher in the era of personal computing by developing widely-used software enabling PC proliferation globally.
  • Shrewd Business Leader: He transitioned Microsoft from startup to industry leader valued over $600 billion through partnerships, leadership, technological improvements and understanding the future of computing.
  • Global Benefactor: His Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is improving healthcare, reducing poverty and expanding education access across the world. He has donated over $50 billion to-date towards bettering human development globally.
  • Admirable Personal Qualities: As evidenced by those who have worked closely with Gates, qualities like vision, focus, curiosity and learning ability were vital to his success as both entrepreneur and philanthropist. His life reflects remarkable achievements paired with efforts to improve humanity.

While known as a fiercely competitive businessman earlier in his career, Gates has received widespread admiration and recognition for dedicating his time and wealth to philanthropic causes later in life in an effort to create a better future for humankind.


Bill Gates is unquestionably one of the most transformative figures in modern history. As the long-time face of Microsoft, he ushered in the era of personal computing – enabling technological access for people globally. Microsoft software running on PC hardware democratized computing power that was once accessible only to big enterprises.

Beyond revolutionizing an industry, Gates has also left an admirable personal legacy – especially in the latter stages of his career. Having earned billions from Microsoft’s software empire, he devoted his time, wealth and vision towards making the world better for those less fortunate through the Gates Foundation.

Rather than enjoying lavish retirement, he has worked tirelessly to eradicate infectious diseases like malaria and make education and technology globally accessible. By lifting millions worldwide from poverty, improving access to food and medicine, as well as driving progress on fighting climate change, the impact of his post-Microsoft philanthropic work arguably surpasses that of Microsoft itself.

Few individuals have managed to be principal leaders in not one but two globally transformative efforts within their lifetimes. Gates once changed the way we think about computing; today he is changing how we look at solving immense humanitarian challenges. The life of Bill Gates is a shining story of technological innovation coinciding with enduring goodwill towards creating a better world.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bill Gates

Here are answers to some common questions people have about Bill Gates:

Where is Bill Gates originally from?

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington where he spent his early childhood. Gates grew up in Seattle close to the headquarters of what would become Microsoft Corporation.

How much is Bill Gates worth?

As of 2023, Bill Gates has a net worth estimated at around $100 billion making him currently one of the richest people in the world according to Bloomberg and Forbes. The majority of his net worth still comes from his Microsoft shares though he has diversified his investments over the years.

Where does Bill Gates currently live?

Bill Gates currently resides in a sprawling mansion nicknamed “Xanadu 2.0” overlooking Lake Washington in Medina, Washington about an hour from Microsoft’s campus. The 66,000 square foot mansion took over 7 years and $63 million to build. Gates invested in cutting edge technological and design features into his private residence with help from renowned architect Paul Allen.

What causes does Bill Gates Foundation support?

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is focused on a few key causes – global health, global development with an emphasis on education and poverty reduction as well as climate change mitigation.

Some top initiatives of the foundation include eradication of diseases like malaria and polio, providing childhood vaccines and nutrition supplements, deploying emergency food aid and funding efforts to develop affordable drought-resistant food staples.

How long was Bill Gates the richest person in the world?

Bill Gates held the #1 richest person ranking globally from 1995 to 2007 and again from 2009 to 2017 with just a two year interruption by investor Warren Buffet. Over most of the past 30 years, Gates has frequently vied for being the wealthiest billionaire on annual billionaire rankings lists.

In part by devoting much of his fortune to philanthropy over the years, Gates’ ranking dropped slightly below other familiar wealthy peers like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk in more recent times while still remaining in elite billionaire circles as among the top five wealthiest living individuals globally.